Amazing Vision
All imagery used courtesy of Miko_Photos

::Today’s Video | Amazing Vision::

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The Internets is filled with stuff, so much stuff it seems like a job just to keep up with it all. Here at Super-Id, we like to keep it simple – one thing, whether it’s a photo, video, song, or whatever, they we think you should fucks with. We call it


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Amazing Vision

An Amazing Vision of Summer

Living in New York allows us New Yorkers to navigate four seasons of weather per year and at times it’s glorious, other times it sucks monkeynuts. One thing about having a winter, spring, summer, and fall is that you get to appreciate the weather and all the wonderful activities that goes along with that respective season. This Amazing Vision video is a sweet reminder of why summer is the shit. You see… if you live in the warm weather all year round, you don’t fully grasp and appreciate how great all things summer can be. Like Sonya…

Sun-kissed hair. Aviators. Cut-off shorts. Golden sand. Water (don’t know the difference between a lake, lagoon, or pond). Bikini. Bra. Boobs. Butt. This is what summer is all about. And I appreciate every aspect of it. All the time, all year round.


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Is this your ideal representation of summertime? Let us know in the COMMENTS.