Candace Smith
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::Candace Smith | Today’s #WCW::

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The Internets is filled with stuff, so much stuff it seems like a job just to keep up with it all. Here at Super-Id, we like to keep it simple – one thing, whether it’s a photo, video, song, or whatever, they we think you should fucks with. We call it


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Candace Smith | Future Wife


Back when CBS’ Survivor was worth a regular viewing, there was someone who made sticking with this reality show worthwhile; her name was Candace Smith and she was smoking hot. But as in traditional reality show casting, she was the angry Black woman and in traditional reality show gamesmanship, the hot chick was voted out way too early (will never ever understand this). This is the start of the Candace Smith story. To be incredibly frank, can’t remember if she was angry, was way too busy looking at her in a bikini. God bless Survivor. Our bae was a neck-breaker.

Instead of disappearing into reality TV D-list purgatory, future mother of our first and maybe second child, Candace Smith attempted to survive Hollywood. God bless her, she actually made it. Her IMDb actually has credits. She’s a working actress and not pouring grande latte of the month waiting for a producer/director/writer to swoop in with cape on back ready to give her big break. Our bae is putting in work.

Here’s the deal. Super-Id isn’t content with just admiring Candace from affair. We’re invested. Hell, we rewound her scene four times in End of Watch just to make sure it was her. Beerfest? We went there. Gave up two hours on a Saturday night just to watch (quiet as kept, actually enjoyed the flick). She even made an appearance on Friends and Friends NEVER had any people of color on that show – too bad we never ever ever watched Friends. Umm… yeah… that’s a lot of commitment right there. We’re dedicated. We’re focused. Regarding Candace Smith, it isn’t #womencrushwednesday, it’s #wifeycrushwednesday. Word.

Candace, holla at us.

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[intense_hr type=”solid” size=”short” title=”Soft stalk Candace Smith online.” title_background_color=”#ffffff” title_position=”left” /]

[intense_button color=”#000000″ size=”large” link=”” target=”_blank” icon=”globe” icon_position=”right”]Candace Smith Website[/intense_button]

[intense_button color=”#55acee” size=”large” link=”″ target=”_blank” icon=”twitter” icon_position=”right”]Candace Smith Twitter[/intense_button]

[intense_button color=”#c4302b” size=”large” link=”” target=”_blank” icon=”youtube” icon_position=”right”]Candace Smith YouTube[/intense_button]

[intense_button color=”#3b5998″ size=”large” link=”” target=”_blank” icon=”Facebook” icon_position=”right”]Candace Smith Facebook[/intense_button]

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