Mitsy Ramos
All imagery used courtesy of their respective copyright holders.

::Mitsy Ramos | Today’s Instagram::

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The internets is filled with stuff, so much stuff it seems like a job just to keep up with it all. Here at Super-Id, we like to keep it simple – one thing, whether it’s a photo, video, song, or whatever, they we think you should fucks with. We call it


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The Instagram Account of Mitsy Ramos

Instagram was invented for Mitsy Ramos. She is a selfie outlier and the archetypical selfie queen. Few can match her one knee up, holding her iPhone center-mass, duck-faced selfie game. We’re talking Lebron-like output. Maybe Kobe since she has a ruthlessness to her game. Peep how each photo is slightly altered – a gaussian blur here or a soft-focus there – to insure maximum thirst levels from her 119K+ followers. Each selfie highlights her assets: her outfit, her duckface, and her rack city. Be clear, this is not hate. Super-Id is in awe of her game. We know she’s planting thirst traps and yet we still fall for it. It’s a thing of beauty that can only be admired. And with that said, admire with us as we present Mitsy Ramos’ Instagram.

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[intense_hr type=”solid” size=”medium” title=”Mitsy Ramos’ Instagram” title_background_color=”#ffffff” title_position=”left” icon_type=”instagram” icon_position=”left” icon_size=”1″ icon_color=”#00cbf7″ /]


Why hate?

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[intense_hr type=”solid” size=”medium” title=”Soft stalk Mitsy Ramos online.” title_background_color=”#ffffff” title_position=”left” /]

[intense_button color=”#3f729b” size=”large” link=”” target=”_blank” icon=”instagram” icon_position=”right”]Mitsy Ramos Instagram[/intense_button]

[intense_button color=”#00acee” size=”large” link=”” target=”_blank” icon=”twitter” icon_position=”right”]Mitsy Ramos Twitter[/intense_button]

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[intense_hr type=”solid” size=”medium” title=”Who wants to take a selfie with Mitsy? Say so here in the COMMENTS.” title_position=”left” /]